Welcome to "The Snackrooms" – a text-based adventure game that takes you into a bizarre and mysterious realm of insatiable hunger and ever-expanding waistlines. In this game, you'll step into the shoes of a character who unwittingly finds themselves trapped in the Snackrooms, a twisted version of the backrooms where irresistible, calorie-laden treats are as abundant as the rooms themselves.

Plugging my Patreon here as it allows me to keep updating projects like this!

Inspired by the great work of   https://twitter.com/KrimDeLaKrimxon  and  https://twitter.com/blobygon

Please leave me feedback here:  https://forms.gle/4LxS21WhFzvSLbbL7

You can find me at:

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(60 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
Tagsfat, feedism, weight-gain, weightgain

Development log


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God, NEED more content for this game I beg


Hey, friend! This game was incredible, great job putting it together!

Looking forward to seeing more from you, should you feel so inspired!

there is a way to win [everyone escape]? if not please make one


I dunno if you plan to update this any further (I hope so since its rattled my jimmies multiple times already), but if you are, i'd love to see Alex and Taylor interact with both the player and each other some more. The one event(s) that play near the end depending on if you have just Alex, just Taylor, or both, are excellent and i'd love to see more of it. I'd also love to see a sort of "good ending" where everyone stays together instead of leaving eachother behind.


One suggestion I have is that you can make a proper good ending that isn't a fake out like if you still have Alex and/or Taylor it leads to either a proper escape or a more wholesome life in the snackrooms. Still, this is a good game you have created.


Can you make something like different scenarios in game so we can have choices that affect plot

(1 edit)

I like what you did here with the events with Talor and Alex, but one suggestion is that you could include more events to involve them like how the ending is affected on which ones you have still up and about. Another thing I would like to see is a few more actions during the rest period.

what are the number of endings in the game?

When it is released for download, it would be good to make other languages.


At one point the text to continue isn't available

Which point is that?


when you are at the gluttonous goliath stage

Exactly (and alone too)

When is the next update gonna be? xwx


Please delete this trash


Dude, Skelesoda made this because they wanted to. If you don’t like this, just ignore it and focus on the stuff you yourself like. Don’t bash on others for making stuff you aren’t interested in, capiche?


Probably super late to the update but AAAAAAAA!!!!! AAAAAA!!!!!!! SO AMAZING!!!!! AND AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! I know another comment suggested it but I would love to be able to play with Tayler's belly/body. I think it would be really cool 😇


Why does Alex do nothing hes bad


It's an incredible thing what you have developed here! The writing is perfect, nothing to slow nor fast (& also very hot~), and it feels just right in the shame/fear-kink side of it. The gameplay is a bit monotonous, and the RNG after-stuffing events feel very artificially distanced, but is good enough for a WIP. (Maybe if there were exploration events too, you could make the distance between each event bigger and it would help with that.) I hope you feel proud of what this game is and that you can continue with its development! (Or, at least, that you continue with other proyects.)


can anyone help me? I’m trying to talk to Alex but it keeps coming up with nothing. Just the return button.


He is a WIP (I know because it is a message above Alex, wait until he is finished! I did not make this game tho)


she's too busy eating to give a response


Did not gain weight at all whatsoever for the whole run. Can't say that about Taylor. You can instead of using determination, just pickpocket food, and just come back to Rec Room when you're out of inventory! No consequences for the player whatsoever!

Could I get an invite to your discord? I would like to see how development is going. The link on your twitter no longer works.


There's an updated link on the weight gaming post: https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/the-snackrooms-twine-game/37007/27

both links seem to have expired, mind posting another one?

what does 3.0 do

I think it mostly just changes how it looks with different emojis for some options. There's also a new option of seeing a different door but it's placeholder right now 


I think I small yet good feature would be letting you be able to play with Taylor's belly or body as they get better or better yet use them as a bed or something


Alex dialoge and feeding doesnt work. All it shows is the return button.


Its in WIP

Minor bug with Taylor's dialogue. Seems to say "*_tempSFX*" at the later stages.

Should be fixed now!

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the new updated Cant wait for more. I hope you make a way to win this game. also more add more scenarios.


I agree, some possible "winning" ending could be interestin


hell yeah! a new update!

Hey, would you be willing to include a download link so that I could see the code you used? I'm trying to make my own story on twine and can't figure out one of the mechanics that you have in your game. Thanks!


If you use inspect element on the game and go to debugger (in firefox, idk what it's called in chrome), you can download the index.html file from the snackrooms folder

Incredible! that was super good, I loved it!

I made an account just so I could say how much I love your games. I love your story telling and descriptions of things! I hope you keep making games in the future

its not letting me type my name when i create my character


yes that would be cool


I really wanted images and videos and live game to make this better


An excellent game! Any chance for an update?


This game is awesome! All I think it's missing is an option to toggle slob on/off/extreme, with on being the usual sweat and burps, and extreme possibly mixing in farts and the like.

I actually kind of like this idea. It adds a bit more choice that way more people can like it.


is there a good ending?

Do you have something where it just does the writing on the walls? It's really good.


Ooh nice

I look forward to how you can expand (ha) this game. Maybe you can stumble upon other snackrooms levels with different gimmicks  or somethin.


I love your writing, i look foward to more updates or/ and future projects!


Can you add options button to deactivate or activate some stuff? Or like a difficulty, since i kinda dislike that you have very limited "continue ons" and when you finish them you cant ever restore them back unless you restart

Most of the time you can actually go back. Twine allows you to go back. 


Love the game. You gonna be updated it or is this it? Cant wait to see what else you come up with next.


I'm updating it and adding more events and endings!


Awesome! Gonna be replaying it for sure.


is there actually a way to beat the game?


event idea:
--Funhouse Mirror--
You walk into a long hallway with several mirrors either with each of them having your reflection getting larger and larger or just having your reflection be clearly larger then you already are with noticeable obese features on display.

I was thinking of adding something like this! Maybe something like seeing yourself as a blob scaring the character that they'll end up like that.


Q: how many endings are there

I've gotten four endings but it seems like after each ending something new is added to the game which is a cool mechanic if that is what is going on (although it would be nice to have a download for the game then) so that could have effect on getting all the endings.

so far I've found the ending of food falling from the sky, you cross the rickety plank, you eat through a wall of food and you just become immobile from eating too much, what four did you find?